
Hello friends, and welcome to my site! I’m Louis Russell. My goal is to increase your genius in various ways using what I’ve learned in philosophy, classical philology, and the social sciences. Here you will find rigorous experiments—a laboratory—where I test the ideas of famous philosophers. Visit the blog and see for yourself. I have recently focused on Friedrich Nietzsche. You might also be interested in my books on Spinoza and on money as a philosophical concept.


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Through my readings I was lead to a book you wrote, “Spinoza’s Science, The Ethics of Knowledge”, which in turn lead me to write to you. Many have said this but I like the metaphor Nietzsche uses when he said that to read a good book you have to be like a cow in the pasture. Which tells me that you have to chew and chew the message given and then digest it four times, as a cow has four stomachs, in order to understand the meaning the author is trying to convey. I have to tell you I am excited to read what you have written about epistemology in the beginning of the book. I am still rereading the first chapter. You write in a way that a novice like me can digest and understand. I can hardly wait to read more of your writings. Sincerely.

  2. Thank you for writing, Mr. Haas. That is (in my opinion) the right attitude toward learning anything well. May your studies reward you as mine have rewarded me. Very best,



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